Patient may progress to each phase as long as all goals met from previous phase.  Please notify Dr Borque’s team if patient unable to perform any items specified.


Phase 1 (0-6 weeks):

Brace: Dynamic PCL brace with ROM set at: 0-60 x 2 weeks then 0-90 x 4 weeks

ROM: Obtain full extension avoiding overpressure and posterior sag at knee

Flexion ROM OOB: 0-60 x 1 week then 0-90 x 3 weeks then gradual progression to full

WB: WBAT in full extension

Therapeutic Exercises:

*Avoid hamstring activation*

Week 0-4: Quad sets, E-stim, SLR, weight shifts, open chain quads 

Week 4: Can begin DL leg press, step ups, and mini squats from 0-60 

  • Swelling control (Including GameReady and patient ed)
  • Patellar mobilizations: Use gentle soft tissue techniques for areas such as anterior interval/fat pad, quadriceps, hamstrings, and scar management

Can begin walking without crutches at POW 6 if patient has symmetric gait without limp, is able to perform 30 SLR without lag, is able to perform 20 seconds of SL balance, and has full extension

Phase 2 (weeks 6-12):

ROM: Maintain extension and progress to full flexion

Therapeutic Exercises:

  • Initiate proprioception exercises: foam pad, balance board
  • No open chain HS strengthening
  • Squat progressions from 0-60 as follows: DL leg press>DL mini squats> DL elevated chair squats> DL body weight squats> SL leg press> SL step ups> Static lunge split squat> SL step downs> SL squats> SL split squat with elevated back leg
  • Core exercises

Criteria to be met before jogging and initiation of Phase 3:

  • symmetric knee extension
  • 120 degrees flexion
  • Quad and HS strength 70% normal
  • able to perform one minute single leg squats with good balance

Phase 3 (weeks 12-24):

  • Progression to full gym strengthening and all squat and closed chain strengthening 0-90 including barbell squats
  • May initiate deadlifts as well as progressive isolate HS strengthening
  • Initiate stationary biking and rowing machine
  • Initiate jogging with gradual progression of duration as tolerated
  • Can begin swimming with straight kicks

Week 20: may introduce light, low-paced agility, ladder drills, double leg box jumps, and side shuffles

Criteria to advance to Phase 4: Plyometrics, advanced agility and sport-specific training:

  • 24 weeks post op
  • Quad strength 85% normal 50% H/Q Ratio for females
  • Able to perform 2 minutes of SL squats with good balance

Phase 4 (week 24+):

Advanced agility, plyometrics and sport-specific training

  • Continue to advance barbell squats, deadlifts, Olympic lifts
  • Dynamic eccentric loading: double & single leg 
  • Dynamic core: rotational and anti-rotational drills
  • Change of direction drills: begin with < 90°, progress to 90° and greater 
  • Introduce unpredictable agility movements 
  • Max effort box jumps
  • Begin SL hops and progress to Max effort DL and SL jumps
  • Non-contact sports specific drills
  • Begin track workouts: gradually advance linear speed and interval sprinting drills
  • Advance strengthening, speed, and conditioning to performance level preparedness. 

Can begin RTP progression at 9 months as long as the following criteria is met:

  • Quad & HS strength > 95% normal
  • > 60% H/Q ratio for females
  • 95% normal SL hop tests 
  • 95% normal Figure of 8, 5-10-5 pro agility test, & SL vertical jump


If all of the above met will advance with return to practice → return to contact practice → return to scrimmage → return to interval play →return to full play